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This is Community!
Building Resilience Through the Outdoors - a conversation with Barry Dillon from Venture Out Wildnerness Project
This week Donncha speaks to Barry Dillon, Programme Manager with Venture Out Wilderness Project. Venture Out is a charity that provides outdoor activity based mental health and well-being, and personal development focused intervention to people and communities most in need, at little or no cost to the participants involved. Barry and Donncha chat about the benefits of engaging with the outdoors particularly at the moment.
More information on Venture Out Wilderness Project
Website: https://www.venture-out.ie/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ventureoutwildernessproject/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ventureoutWP
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ventureoutwp/
LinkdedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/venture-out-wilderness-project-clg/
Volunteering in Galway
Check out all our latest volunteering roles at http://www.volunteergalway.ie/volunteers/volunteer-vacancies. You can click through on any of the roles and you can see more information and the ‘apply now’ button to contact the specific organisation advertising the role.
If you are already registered with us, just put in the email address you used to register and confirm your interest. What happens then is that the organisation gets an email with your contact details and you get an email with their contact details. The next step is for the organisation to contact you.
If you are not registered just go the volunteer registration page on the website and register with us, once you have that done you can apply for any of the roles on the website using your email address.