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Take Back Control - Meditate! An interview with Sue Redmond about the benefits and power of meditation practice
On this show Donncha speaks to Sue Redmond, who is, amongst many other things, an experienced teacher in meditation and mindfulness practice. We take a look at the benefits of meditation, some of the myths around in, and Sue gives some practical advice on how to go about getting started.
Next week from the 21st of September we are celebrating National Volunteering Week. If ever there was a year to celebrate volunteering, its 2020.
This year the focus of the week is thanking volunteers and organisations for everything they have done this year and encouraging everyone focus on their own health and well-being.
It’s been a tough year for everyone so it’s important to make sure we’re all looking after ourselves too!
During National Volunteering Week, Sue will delivering 2 free online Introduction to Meditation sessions on the morning of Monday 21st and the evening of Tuesday 22nd – part of these sessions will be a short piece of meditation practice, so if you are interested in joining us just click here for more info and to register.
For more information about Sue and her work check out
website: https://www.sueredmond.com/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sueredmondphd/
twitter: https://twitter.com/sueredmondphd